Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 4th sem practical
Paper ZOOP -404
Full Marks : 90
Pass Marks : 30
Duration of Examination: Six Hours for EACH GROUP (in Two Days)
Group -A
(Marks -45)
1. Dissection of endocrine glands of fish! toad.2. Study of histological slides of the following endocrine glands of mammal: Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, testis, ovary.
3. Isolation of mitochondria by differential centrifugation and identification of succinic
dehydrogenase in the mitochondrial pellet.
4. Preparation of chromosome squashes from Tadpole tail I Onion root tips for the observation of the stages of mitosis.
5. Preparation of chromosome squashes from Grasshopper! Cockroach testes for the observation of the stages of meiosis.
Distribution of Marks :-
1. Dissection - 112. Study of mitosis - 06
3. Study of meiosis - 8
4. Spotting - 8
5. Viva - 05
6. Laboratory Record Book - 05
TOTAL - 35
Group - B
(Marks -45)
1. Separation of amino acids by paper chromatography.2. Quantitative estimation of proteins and carbohydrates.
3. Haemoglobin esUrnation.
4. Microtomy technique (Submission of at least 5 different slides).
Distribution of Marks :-
1. Paperchromatography - 122. Physiological experiment - 8
3. Microtorny - 10
4. Submission of microtomical slides of different tissues - 5
5. Viva - 05
6. Laboratory Record Book - 05
TOTAL - 45