Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 5th sem (paper-I)
Paper ZOOH -502 (THEORY)
(Human & Population Genetics, Radiation Biology &
Animal Behaviour)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
Human Genetics
i) Study of human chromosomes.ii) DNA fingerprinting.
iii) Chromosomal abnormality - the syndromes, autosomal syndromes, heterosomal syndromes.
iv) Prenatal sex and diagnosis - amniocentesis, Human hereditary traits.
Unit - II
Population Genetics
i) Population genetics - Hardy - Weinberg law.ii) Blood groups and Rh factor.
iii) Inbreeding and outbreeding, eugenics, euthenics and euphenics, Need of eugenics; Twins.
Unit - III
Radiation Biology I
i) Radiation - definition, types and unit.ii) Natural background radiation.
iii) Impact of Radioactive Radiation.
Unit -IV
Radiation Biology II
i) Ionizing Radie.tion and its health hazards.ii) Radioactive isotopes - its properties and uses in Biology, Half-life.
Unit - V
Animal Behaviour I
Definition, Behaviour as science, Types of Behaviour - Tropism, Taxes, Reflexes, Instinctive Behaviour, Learning Behaviour.Distribution of Marks:-
Unit-I - 7Unit-Il -. 7
Unit-Ill - 7
Unit-IV - 7
Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35