Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 5th sem (paper-III)
Paper ZOOH -503 (THEORY)
(Animal Behaviour, Biotechnology & Economic Zoology)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
Animal Behaviour II
Motivation, Sexual Behaviour, Social Behavior with reference to non-human primates, Memory and learning: Biorhythms.
Unit -II
Biotechnology I
I) Basic concepts in genetic engineering.ii) Restriction enzymes, DNA ligase, Polymerase etc.
iii) Cloning Vehicles: Plasmids, Cosmids, Lamda phage.
Unit - III
Biotechnology II
I) Introduction of cloned genes into the host cells : Transformation, Transduction and particle gun.ii) Gene therapy: Common genetic disease - target of gene therapy, gene Bank.
Unit -IV
Economic Zoology I
i) Apiculture: Theory and practice of bee keeping;ii) Sericulture: Culture of En and Muga silk worm;
iii) Lac culture: Morphology, life history and culture of lac insect.
Unit - V
Economic Zoology
I) Pisciculture : Types of commercial fishes, Construction and management of ponds for fish culture, Cultivable freshwater fish species in India; Maintenance of fish stock in ponds.ii) Poultry: Poultry in India, Poultry farming, common diseases in poultry farming and their control.
Distribution of Marks :-
Unit-I - 7Unit-Il - 7
Unit-Ill - 7
Unit-IV - 7
Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35