Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 4th sem (paper-III)
Paper ZOOH -403 (THEORY)
(Evolution, Toxicology & development Biology)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
I) Concepts of evolution, Origin of life.ii) Evidences of Organic Evolution : morphological, embryological, palaeontological.
iii) Theories of organic evolution: Natural selection, Neo-Darwinism, Mutation and Synthetic theory.
Unit - II
Speciation & Phylogeny
i) Concept of species and speciation.ii) Phylogeny of horse and elephant.
Unit - III
Toxicology I
i) Introduction to toxicology - definition of toxicity, classification of toxicants.ii) Toxic agents & mode of action - pesticides, metals, solvents, radiation, carcinogens and poisons.
iii) Environmental toxicology - food additives, air, water and soil pollutants.
Unit - IV
Toxicology II
I) Industrial toxicology - industrial chemicals and pollutants.ii) Biomonitoring & Biomagnifications.
Unit - V
Developmental Biology II
i) Gamete & Gametogenesis - Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.ii) Fertilization and its significance.
iii) Types of animal eggs; pattern of cleavage.
Distribution of Marks :-
Unit-I - 7Unit-Il - 7
Unit-Ill - 7
Unit-lV - 7
Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35