Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 4th sem (paper-I)
4th Semester
Paper ZOOH -401 (THEORY)
(ZoogeograPhY, Museology & Environmental Biology)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
I) Kinds of animal distribution: Cosmopolitan, DiscontinUOUS, Bipolar, Isolation, Bathymetric distribution and their explanations.ii) Factors affecting distribution: barriers and modes of dispersal in animals.
Unit -II
ZoogeographY II
jfferentZoOgeographical Realms of the World: their physical features, geographic range faunal characteristics.
Unit - III
Museology I
Taxonomic collection : value of collection, Equipment of collection, preservation of specimens, curating of collections and their identification.
Unit -IV
Museology II
Stuffing and Mounting with special reference to Fishes, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
Unit - V
Environmental Biology
I) Concept of ecosystem, ecological niche and ecotone.ii) Energy flow through ecosystem. Productivity; Food chain, food web; ecological pyramids.
iii) Population interactions.
Distribution of Marks :-
- Unit-I - 7
- Unit-li - 7
- Unit-Ill - 7
- Unit-lV - 7
- Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35