Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 4th sem (paper-II)
Paper ZOOH - 402 (THEORY)
(Biosphere, Pollution, Adaptation & Wetland Biology)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
Biosphere & Environmental Pollution
i) Concepts of Biosphere and Biogeochemical cycles (Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water).ii) Laws of Limiting factors.
iii) Environmental pollution -Air, water, soil and noise pollution.
Unit - II
Adaptation I
Different types of adaptation : Aquatic, Volant, Cursorial, Fossorial, Arid and Arboriai.
Unit - III
Adaptation II
i) Adaptive radiation in mammalia.ii) Colouration and Mimicry
Unit -IV
Wetland Biology II
I) Concept of wetland & its importance.ii) Ramser Convention, Wetland loss.
Unit - V
Wetland Biology II
i) Wetland management for sustainable developmentii) National wetland policy.
Distribution of Marks :-
Unit-I - 7Unit-Il - 7
Unit-Ill - 7
Unit-lV - 7
Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35