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FCES Pass 6th sem 2016 previous year question paper | Assam University

FCES Pass 6th sem 2016 previous year question paper | Assam University

FCES Pass 6th sem 2015 previous year question paper | Assam University
FCES Pass 6th sem 2017 previous year question paper | Assam University

TDC Even Semester Exam., 2016 
(For all Streams) 
(6th Semester) 
Paper No. : FCES—6O1 
Full Marks: 50 
Pass Marks: 17 
Time: 2 hours 
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 
answer five questions, taking one from each Unit 
1. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 133
(1) BHC stands for _____
(ii) Toxicity of arsenic may cause dermatitis/lung and heart diseases.
(iii) Workers in sugar mills prone to anthracosis/ bagassosis.

(b) What is pathogen? What are the adverse effects of increasing number of piggeries on human health? 1+2=3
(c) Give a note on occupational health hazards.

2. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x33
(i) Rad is an unit to measure received by an organism.
(ii) Dam built or. Zambezi river in Africa led to outbreaks of Trypanosomiasis/Schistosomiasis.
(iii) Infective hepatitis is an air-borne / a water-borne disease.
(b) What are the chronic effects of radiation exposure on human?
(c) Give a brief note on epidemiological approach to monitoring and assessment of environmental health hazards.


3. (a) Fill th the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) Osmunda regalis is the scientific name of Royal Fern/Pitcher plant.
(ii) Darnpa Wildlife Sanctuary is in Manipur/ Mizoram.
(iii) Wetlands are categorised as land class
(b) Differentiate between Sanctuary and National Park. Name one biosphere reserve of Arunachal Pradesh. 2+1=3
(C) Discuss the remedial measures to check the extent of soil erosion.

4. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : Jx3=3
(i) Pennissible limit of pH value in the natural water is
(ii) Sepaijala Wildlife Sanctuary is in Nagaland/Tripura.
(iii) Hyla annectens is Tree Frog / Himalayan Newt.
(b) What is JFM? Give full form of CITES. 2+1=3
(c) What are the major categories of social forestry programmes? Mention the beneficial effects of social forestry programme.


5. (a) Fill in the blanks/Choose the coirect answer : ix3=3
(i) Regenerative farming I)( ‘I ice involves planting a combnuil ion of crops requiring different ziliti i’nts to prevent depletion of nuttirnH is called
(ii) SACEP stands for ____
(iii) Use of bioferitlizerH nivulves exploitation of micro r ii ‘iii is/ minerals.
(b) Write a brief note on culfiiigil 1itid biological control practiceR of pctN
(c) What is meant by development? Explain briefly.

6. Fill in the blank/Choow (lit ((lilcet answer : 1x33
(i) ETA stands for
(ii) In Meghalaya, the tragedy of common property has  wet/ arid deserts.
(iii) Damboor Hydel Projct is in Arunachal Pradesh/Tripura.
(b) What is meant by externality and how does it affect the environment?
(c) What are the basic considerations necessary for sustainable urban development?


7.(a) Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) Central Social Welfare Board was set up in 1953/1973.
(ii) The I’ourth World Conference on Women was held at Cairo/Beijing.
(iii) The Self-Employed Women’s Organization (SEWA) is an NGO of Ahmedabad/ Garhwal.
(b) What was the objective of the afforestation programme, ‘Greening of Aravallis’ and ‘here was it undertaken?
(c) What is meant by wasteland? How have women of Bankura district of West Benga taken initiatives for development of wasteland? 2+2=4

8. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : lx
(i) The National Water Mission was launched in 1986/1992.
(ii) AIWC stands for
(iii) The ‘Goldman Environmental Prize’ was awarded to Mrs. Maneka Gandhi/Mrs. Medha Patkar.
(b) How women literacy could be helpful it curbing population explosion?
(c) Describe briefly the Ant iArrack Movement.


9. Fill in the blank/Chose the correct answer :
(i) IEEP stanclH br
(ii) The Fundacion Natura of Ecuador is an NGO of South America/Africa.
(iii) The Bombay Natural History Society was founded in 1883/1983.
(b) What were the objectives of ‘Biodiversity Convention’ in the Earth Summit?
(c) What is the role cf ‘Paryavaran Vahinis’? Add a note on Chipko Movement.

10.(a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x33
(i) UNEP stands for
(ii) The Forest (Conservation) Act was enacted in 1981/1980.
(iii) ‘Survival International’ is an NGO of UK/ Canada.
(b) Write briefly the activities of the NGO ‘Greenpeace’. 3
(c) What is the role of ‘Eco Task Force’? Add a notc on ‘Silent Valley Movement’.

10340/1335 2016/SEM/EVEN/FCES-601/450


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SITwithSIR: FCES Pass 6th sem 2016 previous year question paper | Assam University
FCES Pass 6th sem 2016 previous year question paper | Assam University
FCES Pass 6th sem 2016 previous year question paper | Assam University
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