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FCES Pass 6th sem 2017 previous year question paper | Assam University

FCES Pass 6th sem 2017 previous year question paper | Assam University

FCES Pass 6th sem 2015 previous year question paper | Assam University
FCES Pass 6th sem 2016 previous year question paper | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam., 2017 
( 6th Semester) 
Course No. : FCES-601 
Full Marks: 50 
Pass Marks: 17 
Time: 2 hours 
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions 
Answer five questions, choosing one from each Unit 


1.(a.) Fill in the blanks/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) NIOH stands for _____
(ii) The Aswan High Dam on the river Nile is in Egypt/ Latin America.
(iii) Toxicity of beryllium causes
(b) What are the sources of contamination of lead to the environment? What are its toxic effects? 2+1=3
(c) Discuss hazardous chemicals developed in the environment due to industrial revolution and technological advancem ents and their impact on human health.

2. (a) Fill in the blanks/Choose the correct answer : 1x33
(1) Typhoid and cholera are the examples of ____ diseases.
(ii) Workers in textile industries are prone to byssinosis/silicosis.
(iii) Chlorinated hydrocarbon has adverse effects on _____
(b) Mention the characteristic features and nature of damage caused by alpha, beta and gamma radiations.
(c) Write a note on rising incidences of water-borne diseases due to widespread contamination of surface water bodies in recent times.


3. (a) Fill in the blanks/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) Cervus elcli eldi is the scientific name of brow-antlered deer/Indian bison.

(ii) Minimal required value of dissolved oxygen (DO) in natural water is mg/i.
(iv) NWFP stands for
(b) What is meant by strip cropping? Give the full form of IUCN. 21-1=3
(c) What are the basic principles of environmental conservation? Explain briefly. 4

4. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) Nepenthes khasiana is the scientific name of blue vanda/pitcher plant.
(ii) Narneri National Park is in Assam/ Meghalaya.
(iii) The permissible limit of SPM in residential area is____ig/m3
(b) What is meant by ‘clear cut’ timber- logging? Name different zones of a biosphere reserve. 2+1=3
(c) Discuss different land classes, their features and designated uses. 4


5. (a) Fill in the blanks/Choose the correct answer : 1X33
(i) Regenerative farming practice in which crops that use nitrogen from the soil and nitrogen-fixing plants are planted in succession is known as _____
(ii) 1PM stands for
(iii) Farakka dam is on river Godavari/ Ganga.
(b) What is agroforestry? What is the advantage of using organic manures and biofertilizers? 2+ 13
(c) What is meant by ‘frontier attitude’? Compare it with the concept of sustainable development. 2+2=4

6. (a) Fill in the blanks/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) The State of NER which has high potential of hydel power is _____
(ii) The second most populous urban area of Assam is _____

(th) Longai and Kushiara are the major river systems of Karimganj/ Hailakandi district.
(b) What is alley cropping? How are leguminous plants beneficial to the environment? 2+1=
(c) What is meant by the tragedy of common property rights? How does it affect the sustainable development? 2+2=


7. (a) Choose the correct answer : 1 x3=
(i) Department of women and child development was established in 1953/1958.
(ii) Mrs. Renuka Chowdhury was the Chairperson of Anti-Arrack Struggle Committee/Narmada Bachao Andolan.
(iii) Thee percentage of rural-based population in India is 70/80/40.
(b) What is meant by non-conventional energy source? How is it helpful to women in our society? 1+2=
(c) Discuss the involvement of women in forest management citing a few examples.

8. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct
answer : 1x3=3
(i) Earth Summit was held in 1992 at
(ii) An example of non-conventional energy source is fiielwood/biogas.
(iii) Mitali Sangha, an women organisation which works for environmental sustenance is in Guwahati/ Silchar.
(b) What is wasteland? Discuss briefly. 3
(c) Write a note on the Narmada Bachao Andolan. 4


9. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer
(i) NIEPA stands for
(ii) Energy Probe is an NGO of USA/ Canada.
(iii) The Environment (Protection) Act was enacted in 1992/1986.
(b) What are the objectives of environmental education? Give the full form of UNESCO.
(c) Discuss briefly the activities of Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP).

10. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer :
(i) The National Education Policy was proclaimed in 1988/1986.
(ii) TIED stands for _____
(iii) ‘Down To Earth’, a monthly magazine is a publication of CSE, New Deihi/CEE, Ahmedabad.
(b) Name two NGOs of Japan and mention their activities towards environmental causes. What is the full form of WWF?
(c) Discuss briefly the Stockholm conference and Earth Summit.

J7—1 1340/1464 2017/SEM/EVEN/FCES-601/ 15


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SITwithSIR: FCES Pass 6th sem 2017 previous year question paper | Assam University
FCES Pass 6th sem 2017 previous year question paper | Assam University
FCES Pass 6th sem 2017 previous year question paper | Assam University
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