FCES Pass 6th sem 2015 previous year question paper | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam 2015
For Science Arts and Commerce Students
(6th Semester)
Paper No. : FCES—601
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 17
Time : 2 hours
The figures tn the margin indicate full marks
for the questions
Answer five questions, taking one from each Unit
(i) DDT, BHC etc. are the examples of.
(ii) Phthalates cause respiratory distress/nervous tissue damage.
(iii) Cuii iiiine wui kecs suffer from anthracosis/asbestosis.
(b) What are various water-borne diseases and how do they affect humans? 3
(c) Write a note on occupational health hazards.
2. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer :
(i) The basic unit of radioactivity is
(ii) Lead poisoning leads to neurological disorders/cancer.
(iii) Subatomic particles composed of two protons and two neutrons are alpha/beta particles.
Describe the nature and effects of alpha particles.
(c) Describe, with examples, how developmental projects result in outbreaks of parasitic diseases.
3. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer :
(i) The common name of Hylobates hoolock is ___
(ii) Buthophyllum penicillium is a fern/ an orchid.
(iii) Dampa Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Manipur/Mizoram.
(b) Give two ecologically harmful forestry practices.
(c) Describe social forestry. How does it differ from agroforestry?
4. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x33
(i) Level or nearly-level lands are defined as
(ii) The Indian standard of pH value is 60—90/70-80.
(iii) Nokrek is located in Sikkim/ Meghalaya.
(b) Give some control techniques to curb industrial emissions.
(c) Define biosphere reserves. What is the difference between biosphere reserve and national park?
5. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer:
(i) Planting a combination of crops which requires different nutrients is known as
(ii) Mimicking the natural land management sys:em by introducing leguminous trees/shrubs in hedgerows with crops grown in between is called intercroppEng/ alley cropping.
(iii) Darnboo Hydel Project caused a lot of devastation in Assarn/Tripura.
(b) Define sustainable development. What is frontier attitude? 3
(c) Describe the effects of haphazard urbanization in the North.Eastern region. 4
6. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the corrcct answer:
(i) EI.k stands for
(ii) The worst affected river in Assam by flash floods is Barak river/ Madhura river.
(iii) SACEI stands for South Asia Conservation Ecological Progranime/ South Asia Cooperative Environm ental Programme.
(be) Give two techniques for sustainable urban planning. 3
(c) Describe the tragedy of common property rights. 4
7. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) The important document of the Earth Summit of 1992 is known as
(ii) Conference of Environment at Stockholm was held in 1972/1975.
(iii) Anti-Arrack Struggle Committee was initiated in Madras/Nellore.
(b) Give a few obstacles faced by women in our society in environmental management. 3
(c) Describe the Narmada Bachao Andolan. 4
8. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer
(i) Women’s community participation in greening cf degraded land was seen in in Tehri Carhwal district.
(ii) The Nan Bikash Sangha was started in the Bankura district/Hooghly district of West Bengal.
(iii) The National Water Mission was launched in 1986/1996.
(b) What was the role played by ‘Mohila Nurseries’ in Haryana and Rajasthan? What were their objectives?
(c) Describe the activities of Mrs Maneka Gandhi for animal welfare.
9. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct ansvier :
(i) KSSP stands for
(ii) The Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act was enacted n the year 1974/1984.
(iii) The ‘Jumin Undo’ (citizen’s movement) group belongs to Malaysia/Japan.
(b) Write two roles of NGOs in environmental conservation and awareness. 3
(c) Describe some prominent NGOs and their activities in India.
10. (a) Fill in the blank/Choose the correct answer : 1x3=3
(i) NIEPA stands for
(ii) The Forest (Conservation) Act was enacted in 1970/1980.
(iii) Chipko was organized by DGSM/ KSSP.
(b) Name some important NGOs of Europe and India and give the activities of any two NGOs.
(c) Enlist the methods of implementing environmental education at thc primary and secondary levels of education.
10600/1284 A-15/EVEN/FCES-601/357