Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 2nd sem (paper-III)
Paper ZOOH -203 (THEORY)
(Excretion, Histology & Comparative Anatomy)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
Types of excretory products; patterns of excretion - amrnonotelic, ureotelic, uricotelic, animals; structure and function of vertebrate kidney, physiology of urine formation.
Unit - II
Histology I
General organization of animal tissues, histological study of different vertebrate tissues; epithelial, connective, nervous and muscular tissues.
Unit - III
Histology II
Histology of liver, lungs, kidney, stomach, intestine, pancreas, blood vessels, spleen, bone & cartilage of mammals.
Unit - IV
Comparative anatomy of Vertebrates I
I) Integument and its derivatives.ii) Evolution of kidney in Vertebrates. -
Unit - V
Comparative anatomy of Vertebrates II
I) Circulatory system: Heart & aortic arches.ii) Respiratory system: Cutaneous respiration, Gills and lungs, Air sacs in birds.
Distribution of Marks :-
- Unit-I - 7
- Unit-li - 7
- Unit-Ill - 7
- Unit.IV - 7
- Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35