Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 2nd sem (paper-II)
Paper ZOOH -202 (THEORY)
(Physiology & Bio-chemistry)
Full Marks : 35
Pass Marks : 12
Unit - I
Mode of nutrition - autotrophic & heterotrophic; different types of feeding mechanisms; digestion - intracellular, digestion of food stuffs; absorption of dietary components.
Unit - II
Respiratory system, mechanism of breathing in mammals, transport of gases, respiratory pigments, buffer system of blood.
Unit - III
Physiology of Circulation
I) Blood - Composion and function of blood and lymph; Blood groups, Blood Coagulation, structure and function of haemoglobin.ii) Heart - Structure; conduction and regulation of heart beat; Cardiac cycle and ECG.
Unit - IV
Biochemistry I
i) Amino acids and peptides and their biological significance.ii) Carbohydrates and lipids - structures, classification and biological significance.
iii) Proteins .- structures, classification, properties and biological significance.
Unit - V
Biochemistry H
I) Vitamins - classification and functions.ii) Enzymes - classification, functions and mechanism of enzyme action.
Distribution of Marks :-
- Unit-I - 7
- Unit-Il - 7
- Unit-ill - 7
- Uni-lV - 7
- Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35