Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 2nd sem practical (paper-IV)
Paper ZOOR - 204
Full Marks : 90
Pass Marks : 30
Duration of Examination: Six Hours FOR EACH GROUP (in Two Days)
Group-A (Marks-45)
I. Dissections
A. Chórdates:a) Accessory respiratory organs in any teleost possessing it.
b) Internal ear of any common teleost.
c) Vllth&Vlll Cranial Nerves of any teleost.
d) Afferent & efferent branchial system of any teleost.
e) Weberian osicles of fish.
B. Non-chordates:
a) Nervous system & reproductive system of Earthworm.
b) Urinogenital system of Leech.
c) Digestive & Nervous system of Pila.
d) Nervous system of Prawn.
II. A Permanent slide preparation
The following material may be selected : Obelia, Mysis, Daphnia, Cyclops, Cycloid and ctenoid scales; Feathers of birds etc.B. Temporary slide preparaton
The following material may be selected : setae & septal nephridia of earthworm, nephridia of leech, mouth - parts and wings of mosquito, salivary glands of cockroach, radula of pila, Ampulla of Lorenzini etc.
III A Study of the prepared slides
i) Chordates: Whole Mount: Salpa, DoHolum, Section through pharyngeal region, oesophageal region, tail region of Amphioxus.Section through: skin, stomach duodenum, ileum, liver, pancreas, kidney, testis and ovary of mammal.
ii) Non-chordates Euglena, Hasmodium, Paramecium, Vorticella, Monocystis sponge spicules, Obeha colony, larval forms of crustacea. (Al whole mounts)
Section through: Sycon (LS), TS of pharynx, gizzard & intestine of earthworm, TS of anterior sucker & crop region of leech, TS of arm of starfish.
B. Study of osteology: Skull of Varanus, Pigeon! fowl, poisonous and nonp oisonous snake, Vertebral column & appendicular skeleton; Toad! frog, Varanus, pigeon! fowl, guinea pig! rabbit.
C. Study of Museum specimens
I) Chordates - BaIan0gIOSSUS, Ascidia, AmphIOXUS, Doliolum, Pyrosoma, Salpa, PetromyzOn, Myxine, Torpedo, Pristis, Trigon, Sphyma, ProtopteruS, Exocetus, HippocampUS, syngnathus, Tetradon, Catla, Labeo, WallagO, Anabas, ClariaS, I cthyophis, Axolotl larva, Ambystoma, Amphiuma, NecturuS, Siren, Pipa, RhacophoruS, Hyla, Chelone ChamaeleOfl, Draco, Varanus, HemidactylUS, Tortoise, Typhiop, Bungarus, Naza, Viper, Hydrophis, any non-pOISOnOUS snake, Sparrow, Parrot: Kingfisher1 Bat, Squirrel, Manis, Albino-rat.
ii) Non-Chordates Grantia, Spongilla, Euspongia, Porpita, Physalia, Velella, Aurelia, Adamsia (sea anemone), Penriatula, Gorgonia, Fungia, MadrepOra, Beroe, Planaria, Fasciola, Taenia, Ascaris (male and female), SipunculuS, HeteronereiS, Lepus, Balanus, Squilla, Apus, Limulus, Spider, Ticks, Mites, Centipede, Millipede, Lepisma, Beetle, Mentis, Honeybee, Termite queen, Wasp, Giant water bug, Chitral, Patella, Achatina, Mytilus, Pearl oyster, Loligo, Sepia, Octopus, Limax, Sea cucumber, Sea urchin, Star fish, Sea lily.
Distribution of Marks:-
Dissection - 11Mounting - 06
Spotting - 18
Viva - 05
Laboratory Note Book - 05
TOTAL - 35
(Marks - 45)
Biochemical detection of carbohydrateS proteins, lipids2. To demonstrate the activity of sativary.amylaSe and effect of pH &TernParatUre
3. Study of animal tissues in permanent slides: epithelial, connective, nervous and muscular.
4. Preparation of temporary slides on histological tissues (FishI Toad)
Distribution of Marks :-
Biochemical Test - 09Physiological experiment - 08
Slide preparation - 08
Spotting - 10
Viva - 05
Laboratory Note Book - 05
TOTAL - 45