click ere to download ecology and environmental science assam university tdc syllabus 5th sem
Biodiversity Conservation
Class hours : 60
Full marks: 35, Pass marks: 12
biodiversity: Concept and definition; Levels of biodiversity-genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; values of diversity, Factors causing biodiversity loss, Hotspots of biodiversity. (Marks-7)
biodiversity conservation-In situ and Ex situ conservation, Protected area networks-wildlife sanctuary, national parks and biosphere reserves; sacred groves, Man and Wildlife conflict. (Marks-7)
Wildlife of Northeast India, Endangered and threatened species of plant and animals, IUCN Red list categories. (Marks-7)
Ethnobiology concept and definition, traditional uses of plants and animals, ethno-medicinal plants and their uses, Intellectual property rights. (Marks-7)
Policies and laws pertaining to biodiversity conservation: The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, The Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act,2002, The Forest (Conservation) Act. 1980, The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), The Biological Diversity Act, 2002. (Marks-7)Suggested readings:
- Santra, S.C. (2010) Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Biology. New Central Book Agency, Kolkata.
- Rana, S, V.S. (2006) Essential of Ecology and Environmental Science, (Second Edition).Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
- Sharma, P.D. (2009) Ecology and Environment. Rastogi Publications.
- Saharia, V.B. (1990) Wildlife in India. Natraj Publishers, Dehradun.
- BNHS (2004) The Wild Animals of India. Bombay Natural History Society.
- Jam, S.K. (1987) A Manual of EthnobotanY. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.
- Sinha, R.K. and S.Sinha.(2001) biology.Surabhi Publications.
- Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2006) Ecology, Environment and Resources Conservation. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi.