Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 6th sem practical
Paper ZOOFI- 604
Full Marks: 90
Pass Marks: 30
Duration of Examination: Six Hours for EACH GROUP (in Two Days)
Group -A
(Marks -45)
1. Determination of ABO blood groups & Rh factor in man.2. Total count of W.B.C. and R.B.C.
3. Determination of activity of pepsin on proteins.
4. Study of polytene chromosomes from any suitable material.
5. Determination of population by quadrate method.
6. Determination of temperature, pH & dissolved 02 in water.
7. Recording of atmospheric temperature & relative humidity.
8. Qualitative study of phytoplankton & zooplankton.
9. Study of frog! toad development through prepared slides and models.
10. Study of whole mount of chick embryos 18 hrs, 33-36 hrs., 48 hrs., 72 hrs. and 96 hrs. of development.
11. Computer aided techniques for data presentation. Computer MS Words.
12. Drosophila culture.
13. Identification of food fishes, exotic fishes, prawns, crabs.
14. The Academic Field Study to include visits to some places of Zoological importance Museum, Advanced Laboratories preferably outside Assam, in order to acquaint the students with the recent development in the subject. A Report is to be prepared independently by each student to be certified by the Teacher in- charge and to be submitted at the time of the Examination.
Distribution of Marks:-
1. Genetic! Physiological Experiment - 072. Experiment on Environmental biology - 06
3. Spotting - 12
4. Field Report - 10
5.Viva - 05
6. Laboratory Record Book - 05
TOTAL - 45
Group B
(Marks - 45)
1. Study of life cycle of any insect & an amphibian from museum specimens.2. Preparation of pituitary extract from fish.
3. Study of laboratory equipment such as: Autoclave, hot air oven, incubator, water bath, centrifuge, refrigerator, calorimeter, pH meter, haemoglobinometer, microtome and balances.
4. Measurement of °2 uptakes by animals (cockroach! toad/ rat).
5. Determination of minimum size of quadrate.
6. Analysis of producers and consumers in aquatic ecosystem.
7. To study pH and moisture content of soil.
8. To study the physical characteristics of soil texture, colour and temperature.
9. To determine the turbidity, temperature and light intensity of water, Ch: I metal.
10. a) identification of insect pest: Paddy pests (Typoyza incertulus, Sesamia inferens, Hispa armigera, Leptocorisa varicornis).
b) Stored grain pests (Sit Ophilus oryae, Tribolium eastanium, Tribolium con fusum, Oiyzaephilus surinamesis, Rhizopertha dominica).
c) Identificaiton of Fishes: Labeo rohita, L. gonius, L. caibasu, Cirrhina mrigala, Catla catla & one exotic carp. Puntius sp., Amblypharyngodon mola, Botia sp., Cohsa sp., Chanda sp.
d) Identification of Zooparasites: Plasmodeum, Trypanosoma, Giardia, Entamoeba, Fasciola, Echinococcus, Oxyuris, Taenia, Trichinella.
11. Project work - based on field! survey! experimental work under the guidance of Departmental teacher to be assigned by the Department.
Distribution of Marks :-
1. Anyone Experiment - 62. Spotting - 4
3. Project Work - 15
4. seminar-10
5. Viva - 05
6. Laboratory Record Book
TOTAL - 45
[Seminar: Synopsis(3)+ Presentation(3) + Audiovisual aids(2) + Discussion (2) Total (10)]
Suggested Reading;
Papers: ZH (101 -203)1. Praker, AJ & Hawse. WA (1943), A Text Book of Zoology: Vols. & Il, Macmillan (London).
2. Ganguly, SB; Sinha, S.; Adhikari, S. Biology of Animals. Vertebrates Vol. - I & II; New Central Book Agency, (Calcutta)
3. Jordon, EL. Cnordate Zoology. S. Chand & Co. (New Delhi).
4. Jordon, EL. Invertebrate Zoology, S. Chand & Co. (New Delhi).
5. Prasad, SN. Life of nvertebrates, Vikash Publishing House (Delhi).
6. Prasad, SN. Verteb:ate Zoology, Vikash Publishing House (Delhi).
7. Kardorig, K.V., Vertebrates, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. (New Delhi)
8. Pecher.ik, Jan A. Biology of the Invertebrates, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. (New Delhi) \Z
9. Karoor, VC, Theory & Practice of Animal Taxonomy.
10. Chatterjee, CC, Human Physiology Vol. I & II (Calcutta).
11. Choudhuri, SK, Concise Medica! Physiology.
12. Hyman, L.H.: The Invertebrates Vol. I & II (Mc Graw Hill).
13. Hildebrand: Analysis of Vertebrate Structure (Wiley).
14. Kirigley: Outlines of Comparative Anatomy (Central Book Depot).
15. Walter & Sayles : Biology of the Vertebrates (Macmillan).
16. Alexander, R.M.: The Chordates (Cambridge University Press)
17. Young, J.Z.: Life of Vertebrates (Oxford University Press)
18. Ayyar, E.D. and Ananthakrishnan T.N. Manual of Zoology, Vol. I & II Viswanathan (Printers and Publishers) Pvt. Chennal.
19. Nigam, H.C. : Biology of Chordates, Shoban Lal Nigam Chand & Co. Educational publishers M-5 industrial Area, Jalandhar-144004
20. Nigarñ, H.C.: Biology of Non Chordates, Shoban Lal Nigam Chand & Co. Educational publishers M-5 Industrial Area, Jaiandhar-1 44004.
21. Mayr: E. : Principle of Systematic Zoology, McGraw Hill Publication.
Paper -ZH (301-303, 401-403, 501-503 & 601 -603)
1. Arora, PN. & Malhan, PK, Biostatistics, Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai, Delhi.
2. Datta, A.K. Basic Biostatistics & its application; New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata - 700009
3. Chakravorti, S.R. & Gin, N; Basic Statistics; South Asian Publishers; New Delhi.
4. William S. Hoar, General and Comparative Physiology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Wood, D.W. Principle of Animal Physiology.
6. Prosser, C.L., Comparative Animal Physiology. Satish Book Enterprise.
7. Rastogi, S.C.: Essentials of Animal Physiology, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New-Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, Guwahati.
8. Bagnara and Turner: General Endocrinology, W.B. Sauders USA).
9. Hadley, Mac E Endocrinology, prentice Hall international, INC
10. Conn, Stumpi RK, Bruening and Doc: Outline of Biochemistry (Wiley)
11. Agarwal, RA, Srivastava, AK. Kaushal Kumar,: Animal Physiology nd Biochemistry, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
12. Chatterjea MN, Shmnde R.: Textbook of Medical Biochemistry, Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
13. Ganong: Review of Medical of Medical Physiology (Lange)
14. Yadav, BN., Mammalian Endocrinology, Vishal Publications, Adds Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar - 144008
15. Stryer, L.: Biochemistry (Freeman).
16. Lehminger, L.: Principles of Biochemistry, Worth Publishers, (New York).
17. Watson, JO. Et al: Molecular Biology of Gçne (Benzarninl Cummings).
18. Alberts et al: Molecular Biology of Cell (Garland)
19. DeRobertis and DeRobertis: Cell and Molecular Biology.
20. Power, CB, Cell Biology, Himalaya Publishing House (Mumbai).
21. Altenburg, E. Genetics. Prentice Hall (USA).
22. Swanson, CP, The Cell.
23. Stockburger, Genetics, MacMillan Publications.
24. Winchester, Genetics, Oxford IBH Publications.
25. Verma, P.S. and Agarwal, VK. : Genetics, S Chand & Co.
26. Prescott: Cell (Jones & Bartlett)
27. Majupuria, TC. : Modern Concepts of Cytology, S. Nagin & Co. Jullundur-8, Delhi-7
28. Berry, A.K.: A Text Books of Animal Histology, Emkey Publications, Delhi-51.
29. Allee, WC., and Schmidt, KP., : Ecological Animal Geography, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NW).
30. Sambasiviah, I., Rao, APK., Chellappa, SA., : Text Book of Animal Physiology and Ecology, S. Chand & Co.
31. Jam, PC., Anantharaman, MS.,: Palaeontology Evolution and Animal Distribution, Vishal Publication, Jalandhar-8.
32. Robert Braun, Introduction to Instrumental analysis, McGraw Hill International.
33. Animal Cell Culture - A practical approach, Ed. John R.W. Masters IRL, Press.
34. A Biologists Guide to Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry K. Wilson & K.H. Goulding, ELBS Edn.
35. Moody: Introduction to Evolution (Indian Edition)
36. Savage: Evolution (Holt, Reimhart and Winston).
37. Major: Population, Species & Evolution.
38. Dobzehnsky: Genetics and Origin of Species (Columbia University Press).
39. Odum: Ecology (Amerind).
40. Turk and Turk: Environmental Science (WH Freeman)
41. Verma, RS. and Agarwal, V.K.: Environmental Biology, S. Chand & Co.
42. Arora, MR : Ecology, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi.
43. Dalela & Sharma: Animal Taxonomy and Muscology, Jai Prakash Nath & Co. Meerut.
44. Nayar, By., Pest Management and Pesticides Indian Scenario, Namratha Publications, Chenriai.
45. Beauchamp, TL., and Chidress, JF., Principle of Biomedical ethics, Oxford Uni, Press.
46. Nalbandov, AV. : Reproductive Physiology.
47. Bern, NJ: Developmental Biology (Tata McGraw Hill)
48. Davenport: An outline of animal development (Addison - Werley)
49. Rao, KV.; Developmental Biology, A modern synthesis (Oxford-IBH Publishers)
50. Jam, PC.: Elements of Developmental Biology, Vishal publications Jalandhar-8
51. Carlson, Bruce M., Pattern’s Foundations of Embryology; McGraw Hill, Inc.
52. Lodish et al : Molecular Cell Biology (Scientific American Books)
53. Giese Ac. : Cell Physiology,
54. Fasque, Edward, : Manual of Laboratory Exp. In Cell Biology (W.C. Brown Publishers)
55. Roitt I. Essential Immunology (ELBS)
56. Kuby: Immunology (W.H. Freeman)
57. McKusick, VA.: Human Genetics. (Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.)
58. Nigam, H.C. : Modern Trends in Biology, S. Lal Nagin Chand & Co. Jalandhar-8
59. R.W. Old and S.B. Primrose: Principle of gene manipulation: An introduction to genetic engeneering.
60. Glick: Molecular Biotechnology.
61. Meyers R.A. (Ed) Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, (VCH Publishers)
62. Venkitaraman: Economic Zoology (Sudarsana publishers)
63. Shukla 7 upadhyaya : Economic Zoology (Rastogi Publishers)
64. Ahsan Jawaid & Sinha, SP, : A Handbook on Economic Zoology, (S. Chand & Co.)
65. Ashok Kumar & Nigam, PM.: Economic and Applied Entomology, (Emkey Publications, New-Delhi)
66. Rajaraman, V.: Fundamental of Computers, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
67. Nigam, H.C. : Modern Trends in Biology, S. Lal Nagin Chand & Co. Jalandhar-8
68. Strand, F.L. Physiology : A regulatory Systems Approach, macmillan Publishing Co. New-York.
69. Prosser, C.L. Environmental and Metabolic Animal Physiology, Wiley-Liss Inc., NY.
70. Willmer, RG., Stone and I. Johnston, Environmental Physiology BlackwellSci. oxford, UK.
71. Drickamer & Vessey : Animal behaviour, Concepts, Processes and Methods (Wadsworth).
72. Crier: Biology of Animal Behaviour (Mosby College)
73. Manning: An Introduction to Animal Behaviour, (Addison-Wesley)
74. Harbans Singh and Earl N. Moore, Livestock and Pultry Production, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
75. Roger, A. Morse, The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture, A.l. Root & Co. Medina, Ohio.
76. Metcalf, C.L. and Flint W.P., Destructive and Useful Insects, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New-Delhi-51
77. Jhingran, V.G., Fish and Fisheries of India, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, New- Delhi.
78. Kovaleve, P.A., Silkworm Breed Stocks, Central Silk board, Merine Drive, Mumbai.
79. Mills, Dick, Aquarium Fish, DK Publishing Inc., New York 10016
80. Cheng, T.C. General Parasitology, (Academic Press)
81. Chandler, ASA C., and Read, C.P.: Introduction to Parasitology, Wiley Eastern Ptv. Ltd., New Delhi.
82. Sobti, R.C., Medical Zoology, S. Lal Nagin Chand & Co. Jalandhar - 144004
83. Majupuria, TC, Wildlife Wealth of India.
84. Singh H.R.: Introduction to Animal Ecology and Environmental Biology, S. Lal Nagin Chand & Co. M-5 Industrial Area, Jalandhar 144004
85. Dey, N.C. and Dey T.K., : Medical Parasitology, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata7 00009
86. Robert Braun, Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, McGraw Hill International.
87. Singh, H.R. Animal Physiology and related Biochemistry, S. Lal Nagin Chand & Co. M-5 Industrial Area, Jalandhar 144004
88. Rath, R.K., Freshwater Aquaculture; Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur- 342001
89. G.D. Sharma, 2010, Integrated Pest Management, Swastic Publication, New Delhi.