Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 6th sem (paper-II)
Paper ZOOH - 603 (THEORY)
(Applied Zoology II & Biophysics)
Full Marks : 35
Pass Marks: 12
Unit - I
I) Common fish diseases with their remedial measure - EUS, ichthyophthiriasis Saprolegniasis, Furunculosis, Dropsy, Argulosis and Leamaeasis.ii) Types of Aquatic culture, Sewage fed fisheries.
lii) Culture of Prawn and Pearl Oyster.
Unit - II
Wildlife Management I
I) Introduction; Values of Wildlife, Depletion and Necessity of conservation of wildlife.ii) Conservation and management of wild life in India.
iii) Knowledge of; Wildlife sanctuaries, National parks, Biosphere Reserves.
iv) Kaziranga National Park, Project Tiger.
Unit - III
Wildlife Management U
i) General concept of Biodiversity and its conservation. Activities of IUCN, WWF and Red Data Book and Biodiversity convention.ii) Habit, Habitet and Ethology of Rhinoceros, Pigmy hog, Hoolock Gibbon, Gangetic river Dolphin.
Unit - IV
Biophysics I
i) introduction - Definition, concept and division of Biophysicsii) pH - Definition, Biological importance, Indicator- Definition, type, Biological applications
iii) Buffer - Definition, Buffer in Biological system and their significance.
Unit - V
Biophysics P
i) Diffusion - Definition and types, Osmosis and osmotic pressure - Definition, salient feature of osmotic pressure and Biological importance.ii) Adsorption and viscosity - definition, adsorption and absorption, factors influencing the viscosity, biological importance of adsorption.
iii) Colloids - Definition, phases, difference between hydrophobic and lipophilic, importance.
Distribution of Marks :-
Unit-I - 7Unit-il - 7
Unit-Ill - 7
Unit-IV - 7
Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35