• FIFTH SEMESTER Paper 501 Development Journalism Full Marks 3 Pass Marks 12 Objective: The objective of this course is to...
Paper 501
Development Journalism
Full Marks 3
Pass Marks 12
Objective: The objective of this course is to enable the students to wield pen on contemporary issues and provide opportunity in real terms.
Development 90 Contact Hours/Classes (45 mins per class• Meaning, definition and characteristics of development 05 classes
• Indicators and barriers of development. 10 classes
• Development and types of society. 10 classes.
Development Journalism• Concept and meaning. 05 classes
• Need and impact ofdevelopmefltjOUrflalism. 10 classes
• Developmentjouma.liSm and government, development
journalism and rural development 10 classes
• DevelopmentjoUrflaliSm in developing societies. 10 classes
Media and Development• Role of mass media in development. 10 classes
• Socio-Cultural changes and electronic media.
• Krishidarshan ofDDK and developmental programmes of AIR.
Sustainable Development• Meaning and concept 10 classes
• Sustainable development and environment 10 classes
• Sustainable development and modem technology. 10 classes
Reading List:
1. Five Years Plan, Year Books.2. Development Communication— UrnaNarula.
3. Broadcasting in India— P. C. Chatteiji.
4. Mass Media anctNational Development—W. Schramm.