PASS COURSE 1st Semester COURSE : HISP - 101 ANCIENT INDIA Full Marks : f4 Pass marks: Unit- I: Foundation of Indian ...
1st Semester
Full Marks : f4
Pass marks:
Unit- I:
Foundation of Indian Culture and Civilization.a. Indus Valley Civilization: main features and causes of decline.
b. The Aryan and the Vedic age-social, Political, religious and economic life,changes brought in later phase.
c. Religious movement - main principles of Jainism, Buddhism, Saivism and Vaishnava.
Unit -II :
Unification, fragmentation and cultural enrichment.a. The Mauryan Empire — The Greeks and Alexander’s invasion, and impact of Alexander invasion, extension of empire under Chandragupta and Asoka; Maurya administration decline of the empire.
b. The Kushanas - Origin and advent of the Kushanas; Kanishka’S extension of empirer cultural activities under the Kushanas.
c. The Gupta Empire - extension of territories under Gupta rulers; Gupta administrator. economy and culture during Gupta's decline of the Guptas.
d. Harshavardhafl and his time - accession; conquest; administration, diplomatic relatk. cultural; achievements.
Unit -III
(a) The Cholas and the Pallavas of South - administration and social condition under Cholas and Pallavas; development of art and architecture.(b) Palas of Bengal and Assam - Foundation of the Kingdoms; Political activities under rulers; cultural contributions.