1st Semester GEOP-lOl GEOMORPHOLOGY Time: 2 hours Marks : 35 UNIT-I (14 Marks) 1. Nature and Scope of Geomorphology. 2...
1st Semester
Time: 2 hours Marks : 35
(14 Marks)
1. Nature and Scope of Geomorphology.2. Internal Structure of the earth : Constitution and Seismological evidences Earth movements
3. Diastrophism, Earth Quakes and Volcanism.
(21 Marks)
1. Continental Drift and Plate - Tectonics theory.2. Geomorphic processes : Weathering and Mass-wasting.
3. Agents of Denudation: running water and wind.
4. Slope: its importance, development and classifications.
5. Drainage Systems: Types and patterns.
Suggested readings:
— - Strahier : Physical Geography2. Strahler : Modern Physical Geography
3. Holmes, A : Principles of Physical Geography
4. Singh, S : Physical Geography
5. Dayal, P : AtextbookofGeomorpholOgy
6. Thornbury, William D : Principles of Geomorphology
7. Wooldridge & Morgan : Principles of Geomorphology
8. Steers, J. A. : Unstable Earth
9. Das, GA. & Kapoor, A.N. : Principles of Physical Geography
10. Mukherjee, P. E. : A Text Book of Geology
11. Bloom, A.L. : Geomorphology
12. Hussain, M : Fundamentals of Physical Geography
13. Ahmad, E. : Geomorphology
14. Sharma, V. K. : Geomorphology.