SECOND SEMESTER EESP-201 Environmental factors and Natural resources Class hours: 60, Full marks: 35 Pass marks: 12 UNIT-I...
Environmental factors and Natural resources
Class hours: 60, Full marks: 35
Pass marks: 12
Environmental factors: Liebig law of the minimum, Law of tolerance, climatic factors (light, temperature, humidity, fire) (marks: 7)
geographic and physiographic factors, Edaphic factors, Biotic factors. (Marks: 7)
Concept of natural resources, Renewable and non-renewable resources; Water resources:distribution and sources of fresh and marine water, aquaculture, groundwater resources, rainwater harvesting. (Marks: 7)
Mineral resources: distribution of important minerals in India. Forest resources-forest cover: India according to Forest Survey of India. (Marks: 7)
Energy resources: types of energy resources-fossil fuels, hydroelectric power, nuclear energy,car energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biogas, biodiesel. (Marks: 7)
Suggested readings:
- Bharucha, E. (2005) Text Book of Environmental Studies. University Press (India) Pvt.Ltd, Hyderabad.
- Santra, s.c. (2010) Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Biology. New Central Book Agency, Kolkata.
- Rana, S, V.S. (2006) Essential of Ecology and Environmental Science, (Second Edition).Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
- Sharma, RD. (2009) Ecology and Environment. Rastogi Publications.
- Ambasht, R.S. and Ambasht, N.K. (2006) A Text Book of Plant Ecology.CBS Publishers and Distributors.
- Misra, K.C. (1992) Manual of plant Ecology, (Third Edition). Oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
- Kormondy, E.J. (1996) Concepts of Ecology, (Fourth Edition) Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.
- Joshi, P.C. and Joshi, N. (2005) A Text Book of Ecology and Environment. Himalaya Publishing House.
- FSI (2007) State of Forest Report 2007. Forest Survey of India (Ministry of Environment and Forests)
EESP - 202 (Practical and fieldwork)
Full marks: 30
Pass marks: 10
(Marks: 20)
- To determine temperature, humidity and light intensity in an exposed area and under vegetation using ThermohygrOmetrr.
- To determine the Secchi disc transparency of water in pond ecosystem.
- To determine the pH and conductivity of water from pond ecosystem.
- To determine the moisture content of soil samples by oven drying method.
- To determine pH of soil samples.
(Field report) (Marks: 10)
1. Visit to a nearby meteorological station to acquaint with different weather monitoring instruments. 2. Field visit to a solar energy park.Suggested readings:
- Ambasht, R.S. and Ambasht, N.K. (2006) A Text Book of Plant Ecology.CBS Publisher and Distributors.
- Michael,P. (1984) Ecological Methods for Field and Laboratory Investigations. T McGraw HilI, New Delhi.