Assam University BSC Zoology Syllabus Honours 1st sem (Paper-III)
Paper ZOOH -103 (THEORY)
(Non Chordates I)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
i) Salient features & classification of Protozoa up to order with example.ii) Structure & life history of Polystomella.
iii) Locomotion, nutrition & reproduction in Protozoa.
Unit - II
i) Salient features & classification of Porifera up to order with example.ii) Histology, skeleton & reproduction of Sycon.
iii) Canal system of Porifera.
Unit - III
i) Salient features & classification of Cnidarians upto orderwith example.ii) Structure & life history of Obelia.
iii) Polymorphism in Siphonophora.
iv) Corals & coral reef formation.
Unit -IV
i) Salient features & classification of Platyhelminthes up to order with examples.ii) Structure, life history & pathogenesis of Schistosoma.
Unit - V
I) Salient features of Nemathelminthes.ii) Structure, life history & pathogenesis of Wuchereria bancrofti.
Distribution of Marks :-
- Unit-I - 7
- Unit-il - 7
- Unit-Ill - 7
- Unit-IV - 7
- Unit-V - 7
TOTAL - 35