here you can download Assam University BSC Chemistry Syllabus for chemistry pass course of 3rd semester
Assam University BSC Chemistry Syllabus
B.Sc. 3 Semester(General)
Course No.-CHMP- 301; Paper Nane: CHEMISTRY
Max. Marks-35 Pass Marks-12
Total lectures: 45 Hours; 60 Periods
(Each Unit carries 3 marks each)
Coordination compound: Werner's theory, IUPAC nomenclature, isomerism-linkage, ionization, coordination and hydration isomers, geometrical and optical isomerism of complexes with coordination no. 6.
Nuclear chemistry: Radioactivity- natural, Different radioactive series(4n, 4n+ 1, 4n+2, 4n+3); Artificial Radioactivity, Artificial transmutation. laws of radioactive disintegration, Integral form of decay equation, half-life, average life, Soddy’s group displacement Law; principle or separation or isotopes, Application or radioactive isotopes.
Bio-inorganic chemistry: Essential elements in biological systems-bulk and trace elements, biological function or iron-roles or Hb and Mb in oxygen transport and toxic effects of CO and CN.
Industrial chemistry: Manufacture of urea, mono and triple superphosphate of lime and muriate of potash.
Group B :(ORGANIC)
(Each Unit carries 3 marks each)
Carboxylic acid and their derivatives: Introduction, effects of substituents on the acidity of carboxylic groups, chemical reactivity, methods of preparation and reactions of oxalic id, succinic acid, phthalic acid, benzoic acid. Preparation and properties of acetychioride, etamide and ethyl acetate.
kmino acids & Biopolymers: Amino acids- essential and non-essential amino acids. General methods of preparation, physical properties and reactions of alpha-amino acids, Zwitterion structure, isoelectric point.
organic Compound containing nitrogen: Methods of synthesis and reactions of nitroalkanes, alkylnitrites, alkylcyanides, isocyanides. Aromatic nitro compounds: nitration and differentitrating agent. Reduction of nitrogroups under different conditions.
Carbohydrates: Introduction, classification, inter-relationship amongst monosaccharides, reactions of glucose (HCN, Bromine water, nitric acid). Osazone formation. Mutarotation. Cyclic structures: pyranose and furanose forms. Determination of ring size. Haworth projection formulas, epimerization, chair lengthening and chain shortening in aldoses, anomers.
(One Unit carries 2 marks and rest three Units carry 3 marks each)
Thermodynamics II(A): Limitations of the first law need for second law, Second law of thermodynamics Kelvin-Planck statements. Concept of entropy, definition of second law from entropy, Physical significance of entropy.
Thermodynamics II(B): Entropy change accompanying change of phase (I) from solid to liquid phase (II) from liquid phase to vapour phase, (III) from one crystalline form to another.Work function and free energy, significance of Gibbs Helmholtz equation and its application.
Thermochemistry: Standard states, standard enthalpy of formation, Hess’s law of heat summation- its applications, Heats of reaction at constant pressure and constant volume. Enthalpy of neutralization, bond association energy- calculation from thermodynamic data, temperature dependence of enthalpy.
Physical properties and molecular structurc: Parachor, optical activity, polarization- Clausius Mosotti equation, dipole moment and structure of molecules, relative permittivity. refractive index, molar refraction, magnetic properties(paramagnetism, diamagnetism and ferromagnetism).