Assam University BSC Chemistry Syllabus 6th Semester

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Assam University BSC Chemistry Syllabus 6th Semester

B.Sc.6tn Semester (General) 
Course No.-CHMP- 601; Paper Name: CHEMISTRY 
Max. Marks-35 Pass Marks-12 
Total lectures: 45 Hours; 60 Periods 

Group A :( INORGANIC) 
(Each Unit carries 3 marks each) 

Electronegativity: Pauling’s scale of electronegativity, Pauling’s rules for transition of 
covalent bond to ionic bond. 
Dipole moment: % ionic character, distinction between isomers, prediction of geometries of simple covalent molecules, (CO, SO2, o-, p-and m-dichloro benzenes etc.) 

VSEPR Theory: Regular and distorted geometries of covalently bonded molecules and ions- NH3, SF4, CIF3, 1C12, H20, CH4, BF3, BF4, NH4. 

Lattice energy- Definition and experimental determination by Born-Haber cycle. stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric defects in ionic solids and their use as semiconductors. 

Extraction of chromium, manganese and nickel from their ores, preparation and use of K2Cr2O7, K, Cr04, KMnO4, K2MnO4, MnO2, Cr203.
Group B :(ORGANIC) 
(Each Unit carries 3marks each) 

Dyes: Basic ideas, Definition, theories, classification, synthesis of phenolphthalein, Methyl 
Orange, Malachite green, Indigo. 

Molecular rearrangements: Wagner Merwein, dienone phenol, Backmann, Wolff, Hofmann. 
Curtius, Lossen, Schmidt. 

Organometallic compounds: Introduction, application of Grignard reagent in organic synthesis, Organo lithium compounds. 
Active methylene compounds: Active methylene groups synthesis and applications of ethiacetoacetate, diethymalonate and cyanoacetic ester in organic synthesis, tautomerism. 

NMR spectroscopy: Review of principle, chemical shift, shielding and deshielding of protons and their application in structural elucidation of simple organic compounds: ethane, ethylene. benzene, acetone, ethanol and acetic acid.
Group C: (PHYSICAL) 
(One Unit carries 2 marks and rest three Units carry 3 marks each)

Elementary quantum mechanics I: Failure of classical mechanics, Black body radiation, Planek’s radiation law, photoelectric effect, heat capacity of solids. Compton effect.
Elementary quantum mechanics II: de Brogue hypothesis, the Heisenberg’s uncertaint3 principles, sinusoidal wave equation (Schrodinger wave equation and its importance, physical interpretation of the wave function). 

Spectroscopy: Introduction- Eiectro-magnetic radiation, interaction of radiation with matte regions of the spectrum, various degrees of freedom, 
Rotational spectra (only of diatomic molecules): energy levels of rigid rotator, Selection rules, spectra, determination of moment of inertia and bond length. 

Vibrational spectra: Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator, selection rules, pure rational spectrum, qualitative relation of force constant and bond energies, idea of vibrational frequencies of different functional groups. 

sic principles of electronic spectroscopy and different types of transitions.



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SITwithSIR: Assam University BSC Chemistry Syllabus 6th Semester
Assam University BSC Chemistry Syllabus 6th Semester
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