BA History Question Paper 1st year 2011 | Assam University
TDC Odd Semester Examination, November—20 11
( 1st Semester )
Course No. : HISP—101
(Ancient India )
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 17
Thne : 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, taking one from each Unit
1. Who excavated Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa? Explain the town planning of Indus Valley Civilization. 1+1+8=10
2. Name two epics of Ancient India. Give an account of the sociopolitical life of the later edic period. 2+4+4= 10
3. Name two religious movements or India. Discuss the life and teachings of Mahavira Jaina. 2e3+sa1
4. why did Alexander invade India? what were its eflects on India? 4C6i
5. what measures were adopted by Asoka to propagate Buddhism fri tndia and abroad?
6. who initiated the Saka Era and when? Give an account of the conquests or Knnishka.
7. who wns the founder of Gupta Emplre? why is Gupta period known as tioklen Age in the hstory or Ancient India?
8. who was the Court Poet of Harsha? How did Harsha come to Power? Highlight the conquests of Hursha.
9. who were thy Choas? Discuss the administrative system of the cholns. 2.8-10
10. Nane the founder and the greatest Pala ruler. Diseuss the contribution or the Palas to Indian society.