BA 5th Semester Political Science Question Paper 2016 | Assam University
TDC Odd Semester Exam., 2016
( 5th Semester )
Course No. : PLSP—501.
(Government and Politics in India—I)
Full Marks: SO
Pass Marks: 17
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, taking one frnm each Unit
1. (a) Which Act introduced dyarchy at the provincial level in India? Discuss the main features of the Government of India Act, 1919. 1+6=7
(b) Point out the shortcomings of the Government of India Act, 1919. 3
2. (a) Mention the names of the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly and the Drafting Committee of the Constitution of India respectively. How was the Constitution of India drafted? 2.6e8e
(b) when was the Constitution of India adopted and when did it me into rorce? 1+1—2
3. (a) How far is it true that the Const.itutiorz of India is a borrowed document? 4(b) Explain various sources of the Indian Constitution. 6
4. (a) Discuss the significance of the Preamble o the Constitution of India. 6
(b) ts the Preamble a part of the constitution? Give reasons to your answer. 4
5. (a) Which Articles of the Indian Constitution provide for the Fundamental Rights? Enumerate the Fundamental Rights guaranteed to the citizens of India. 1+6.7
(b) Point out the limitations of the Fundamental Rights. 3
6. (a) what is the chief aim of the Directive Principles of State Policy? Briefly explain the significance of the Directive Principles of State Policy. 1+4-5
(b) Examine the diiference between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. 5
7. (a) Explain why India is called a ‘union or states’ in lieu or federation. 3
(1) Describe the federal characteristics of the Constitution of India. 7
8. (a) Comment on the three lists of subjects as enumerated in th Seventh Schcdule of the Indian Constitution. 4
(b) Discuss the legislative relation between the Union and the States in India. 6
9. (a) Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for the method of amendment of the constitution? Explain the procedure of amendment of the Indian Constitution. 1+5=6
(b) Point out two merits and two defects of the amendment procedure of the Indian Constitution. 2+2=4
10. (a) In which year was the first Constitution Amendment Act passed? Mention any two provisinns of the 24th and 25th Constitution Amendment Act. 1+2+2=5
(b) Mention two features of the 42nd and three features of the 44th Amendment Act of the Indian Constitution. 2+35
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