BA 3rd Semester Philosophy Question Paper 2015 | Assam University
TDC Odd Semester Exam., 2015
(3rd Semester)
Course No. : PHIP-301
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 17
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate fill marks for the questions
Answer five questions, taking one from each Unit
1. (a) Define Ethics. Discuss the scope or province of ethics. 2+5=7
(b) Is ethics a practical science? Justify your answer. 3
2. (a) Discuss the nature of ethics. 4
(b) Distinguish between normative ethics and metaethics. 6
3. ra) Distinguish between duty and virtue. S
(b) “Right and duty are correlative.” Explain.
4. (a) Discuss the nature of moral judgement.
b) Does the end justify the means? Explain elaborately.
5. (a) what ia hedonism? what are its different forms? 1+2a3?
(b) Discuss critically the ethical theory or J. S. Mill. How does it differ from that of Bentham?
6. (a) Give the etymological meaning of ‘Sarvodaya'. 2
(b) Elucidate Gandhi’s concept of Sarvodaya. 8
7. (a) Explain critically Kant's ethical theory of ‘categorical imperative’.
(b) What, according to Kant, are the postulates of morality?
8. (a) what does Kant mean by ‘good will’? How does Kant distinguish between 'autonomy of will’ and 'heteronomy or will’? 3+4=7
(b) Quote Kant’s maxims or morality. 3
9. a) what does Aristotle mean by virtue? 3
b) How does AristDtle classify virtue? Explain each of them. 7
10. Discuss critically the virtue ethics of Aristotle. 10