BA 2nd Semester Political Science Question Paper 2013 | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam., 2013
( 2nd Semester)
Paper No. : PLSP-20 1
(Introduction to Political Theory—LI)
Full Marks:50
Pass Marks: 17
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, selecting one from each Unit
1. Define nationalism. Discuss the factors that create a sense of nationalism in a State. 4+6
2. (a) What is a Nation-State? Write two elements of a Nation-State. 1+2
(b) Discuss the origin and develo,ment of Nation-State.
3. Discuss the nature of liberalism. Distinguish between classical liberalism and modern 1iberalism. 5+
4. Define Gandhian concept of nonviolence. Compare and contrast between Gandhism and Marxism. 5÷
5. (a) In which book did Plato put rorward his scheme or education? why did he consider education so important? 1+
(b) Briefly explain Plato’s theory or education.
6. Explain Plato's theory or communism in property. How does it differ from modern communism? 6+4
7. (a) Who was a slave according to Aristotle? Did he support the enslavement or prisoners of war? 2+1.
(b) state Ar-iatotle’S theory of alnvery and criticize it. 7
8. (a) why is Aristotle critical af demnerncy? 3
(b) state Aristotue's views on demoeracy and criticize them. 4+3
9. (a) Esamine the demerits of Aristotle’s theory of citizenship. 3
(b) Explain AristotLe’s classifications of constitution. what are the demerits or this classification? 4+3
10. what are the causes of revolution according to AristaUe? write the remedies for preven ionn of revolution.