BA 2nd Semester History Question Paper 2013 | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam., 2013
( 2nd Semester)
Paper No. : HISP-201
(Medieval India)
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 17
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions
Answer five questions, selecting one from each Unit
1. Name first two sovereigns of the Slave dynasty. Assess the contribution of Iltutmish for the COflSolid3tfon of Turkish rule in India.
2. Who was the founder of the IChaiji dynasty? Name any two conquests of Ala-ud-dirj KhaIji. Form an estimate of Ala-ud-djn Khaiji as a conqueror. 1+2+7=10
3. what does Bhakti literally mean? Analyze the teachings of Kabir and Nanak for the promction or Bhakti cult in India. 2+(4t4)-10.?
4. Name any four dynasties that ruled India during the Sultanate period. what were the causes responsible for the downfall of the Delhi Sultanate? 4 +6 10
5. Review the revenue and militai-y reforms c introd.iced by Sher Shah. 5+5=10
6. Who were the contestants in the Second Battle of Panipath? Give an account of the provincial administration of Akbar. 2+8=10
7. what is the meaning cf Din-i-llahi? Form an estimate of the religious policy of Akbar. 1+9- 10
8. Name three rebellions that cropped up due to religious intolerance of Aurangzcb. Make a critica] assessment or the religious policy of Aurangzeb. 3+7-1o
9. when d:d Aurangzeb die? How far was Aurangzeb responsible for the downfaul of the Mughal empire? 1+9-10
10. Aecount for the rise of the Marathas as a regional power in the Deecan. Elucidnte the episode of the Mughal-Maratha strugge for supremacy in the Deccan during the time of Shivaji. 4+6—10