BA 1st Sem Political Science Question Papers 2011 | Assam University
TDC Odd Semester Examination, November—2011
( 1st Semester )
Course No. : PLSP-1O1
(Introduction to Political Theory—I )
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 17
Time : 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions
Answer five questions, taking one
from each Unit
1. (a) What is Political Science? Who is the author of the book, Politics? 3+1=4
(b) Is the study of Political Science confined to ‘State’ and ‘Government’ only? Discuss. 6
2. (a) Is Political Science a science? Who said “Political Science is that part of Social Science which treats of the foundations of the State and principles of Government”? 1+1=2
(b) Describe the relation of Political Science wth Economics and Sociology. 4+
3. (a) which theory of the nature of the State looks upon the State as a living organism? who is the chief exponent of the organismic theory regarding the nature of the State? 1+t42?
(b, Examine the orgarnamic theory regarding the nature of t)w SLitr.i
4. (a) which theory of the nature of the state is also known as metaphysical theory? Write the name f an extreme idealist.
(b) Discuss the idealistic theory or the nature of the State.
5. (a) what is sovereignty? Write two clharacteristics of soveregnty. 3.2n-5g
(b) write a brief r.ote on de jure and de facto sovereignty. S
6.a) who is the chief exponent or the legal theory of sovereignty? Did pluralists crlticse Austins :heory of sovereignty?
(b) Discuss Austin’s theory of sovereignty. Point out its three limitations. 5'3-8a
7. (a) what is meant by power? Point out two chwacterstics or power. 2.2.4
(b) Distmguish between Power and Authority.
8. (a) WhL.t Is the origin or the term ‘lcgi:imacy? 1
(b) what is legitimacy? Discuss how legitimacy determines the effectiveness or authority.
9. (a) what is demoeracy? was Aristotle a supporter or democracy? 3+1—4
(b) Fxpkiin the merits and demerits or demoeracy. 3+3-6
10. (a) in w.iich country did fascism originate? Whn: do vou mean by fascism? 1+3-4
b) L)i8cu,s the bnsii. principks of fascism. 6