2nd semester ba english question paper 2013 | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam., 2013
( 2nd Semester)
Paper No. : ENGP-201
(Poetry and Short Story)
Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 17
TirrLe: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate Jttll marks for the questions
Answer all questions
1. Answer any two of the following questions
(a) Describe the poet’s use of irony in the poem, A River.
(b) write a critical appreciation or the poem, Lost by Jayanta Mahapatra.
(c) Comment on the central idea of the poem, Lotus by Toru Dutt.
(d) write a note on the theme of nzekiel's Night of the Scorpion.
(e) Show how Kamala Das shows her concern in Mg Grand.mother’s Hcuse.
2. Explain, with reference to the context, any one of the following : 5
(a.) And Flora gave the Lotus, ¶rose-red’ dyed, And 'Lily-white’, queenliest flower that blows.
(b) I was then too young To read, and my blood turned Cold like lhe moon.
(c) May the sum or all evil balanced in this unreal world agninst the sum of good become diminished by your pain.
(-Short Story)
( Marksn: 2s.)s
3. Answer any two or the following questions
(a.) “Romance at short notice was her speciaLity. Explain.
(b) Comment on the nature of justice and judgement in 0. Her.ry’s After 7uenty Years.
(c) write how “the ridiculous bet came to pass".
(d) Diseuss the theme of the ahort story, The Dowly Road.
4. Answer any one or the following-: 5
(a) what happened to Bob at the end of the story, After Tuenty Yeczrs?
(b) Explain what is meant by the line ‘The state is not god".
(e) Comment briefly on the significance or the title or the story, nhe Lowly Road.