ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 1st sem 2015 question paper. | Assam University
TDC Odd Semester Exam., 2015
( 1st Semester)
Course No. : EESP-1O1
(Basic Concepts of Ecology and
Environmental Science )
Full Marks: 35
2 B Maxlcs 12
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, taking one from each Unit
1. Define ‘ecology’ What are the different approaches to the study of ecology? 2+57
2. Mention the name of an Indian scientist who has worked in the field of ecology. Write ahnut the scope of studying ecology and environmental science. 1+67
3. What are the main components of environment? Draw and describe the Earth’s atmosphere. 2+5=7
4. (a) What is the annual average rainfall of North-East India?
(b) Discuss in brief the concept of biosphere. 1+6=7
5. (a) Defme ‘evolution’
(b) Write a note on chemical evolution of Earth. 1+6=7
6. (a) What is geological timescale?
(b) Write in detail about origin of .major groups of living organisms in Mesozoic era. 2+5=7
7. (a) What are the different types of adaptation?
(b) Briefly describe the different adaptations of aquatic plants or animals.
8. (a) What is meant by ‘habitat?
(b) Citing suitable exarnPles, mention the differences between habitat and niche.
9. Write short notes on the following.
(a) Centre for Science and Environment
(b) Asam Science Society
10. (a) What is the full form of ZSI ?
(b) Write in detail about the ob1-1;tiVe5 and activities of ZS1.