Botany pass 4th sem 2016 question paper. | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam., 2016
( 4th Semester)
Paper No. : BOTH 403
(Biology of Seed Plants)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks - 12
Time : 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, selecting one from eack, Unit
1. (a) What are ‘phanerogarns’? State the characteristics of naked-seeded plants.
(b) Differentiate between gymnsperms and angiosperms. 2
2. (a) State the characteristic features of angio sperms.
(b) Why are angiosperms considered as the highest-evolved plants in plant kingdom?
3. (a) Discuss the distribution of Gnetales in India. 5
(b) Write the name of two medicinally important species of gymnosperms. 2
4. (a) Write the resemblances of gymnosperm with higher cryptogams. 3
(b) State the evolutionary significance of gymnosperms. 4
5. (a) Describe the internal structure of a typical dicot leaf with diagram. 4
(b) Describe reticulate venation with diagrams.
6. (a) What are pinnately compound leaves?
State their types with examples. 1+2=3
(b) Write about wood anatomy and floral
anatomy. 2+2=4
7. (a) “Flower is a modified shoot.” Justify the statement with suitable examples and diagrams. 4
(b) What are accessory whorls of a flower? Write various functions of flower. 1+2=3
8. (a) What is pistil? Discuss monosporic, bisporic and tetrasporic embryo sac development in angiosperms. 1+5=6
(b) What is an orthotropous ovule? 1
9. (a) Describe the process of pollen-pistil interaction. 3’/2
(b) Write a short note on apomixis. 31/2
10. (a) Discuss with examples contrivances of self-pollination in angiosperms. State the significance of double fertilization. 3+1=4
(b) Write a note on self-incompatibility. 3
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