Botany pass 3rd sem 2016 question paper. | Assam University
TDC Odd Semester Exam., 2016
( 3rd Semester)
Course No. : BOTP—301
(Diversity of Seed Plants and their Systematics)
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, selecting one from each Unit
(b) Describe two important theories regarding origin of angiosperms. 5
2. (a) Write a brief note on primitive angiosperms with examples. 3’/2
(b) write a note on striking features or differentiation of gymnnospormn with angiosperrziS. 3 ‘/4
3. (a) what is fossil? what are different theories regarding process of fossilization? 1--4—5
(b) write a brier note on distribution or gymnospermic flora in India. 2
4. (a) write a note on advanced ieaturcs of the family Gnetaceae with reference to Gnetum. 3
(b) write the important features of differentiation of Cycas and Pinus on reproductive features. 4
5. (a) What is binomial nomenclature? what arc the important rules of nomenclature? What i taxonotnic hierarchy? Define taxon. 1.2+1+1—5
(b) Mention briefly about gcnesis and hlstory of plant taxonomy. 2
6. (a) Highlight the important reatures or chenical characters of plants in sclving ta,ionomic problcrrs. 5
(b) what Is !cN? Deline the principles or pricrity. 1.1-2
7. (a) what is classification? what is the Migniflcance or classification? whnt are vanous systems of clasaillcatlon? 1.1+2—4
(b) What aie the mnin merits or Benthann anc Hooker's system or classification? Mention the flume of the book in which T3entham arid Hooker embodied their clarsilfcation, 2+1—3
8. (a) Write the striking point of differentuation or Bentharn and Hooke?s system or classification with the Engler nnd Prant) ystem or classification. 4
(b) write the merits of Engler and Pranti system or classification. Name the book in which Engler and Pranti wrote their classification. 2.1-3
9. (a) Write the diagnostic features of the family Lamiaceae. Give examples of two economically important plants of this family. 3+1=4
(b) Write the type of fruit found in Brassicaceae. Name two economically important plants of each from the families Solanaceae and Acanthaceae. 1+1+1=3
10. (a) Highlight the diagnostic features of the family Orchidaceae. Mention two highly economically importhht species of Orchidaceae of North-East India. 3+2=5
(b) Mention two striking features of the family Musaceae. Mention two edible plants belonging to family Poaceae. 1 + 1=2
J7—1310/320 2016/SEM/ODD/BOTP-301/243