Botany pass 2nd sem 2016 question paper. | Assam University
TDC Even Semester Exam., 2016
( 2nd Semester)
Paper No. : BOTP-201
( Cytogene tics )
Full Marks: 35
Pass Marks: 12
Time: 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer five questions, selecting one from each Unit
(b) Describe the chemjcaj composition and the fUnctjo of plasma membrane. 4+2=6
2. (a) What do you mean by nucleoplasm? 1
(b) Describe the structure and the fUcti of nucleolus. How is it formed? 4+2=6
3. (a) Who first discovered the special chromosome? 1
(b) Give an account of the morpholo and chemistiy of the chromosomes. 3+36
4. (a) Define nullisomy and tetrasomy. 2
(b) What are sex chromosomes? Describe the homogametic sex and heterogametic sex. 1+2+2t5
5. (a) What is gene?
(b) Give an account of the double-helical g structure of DNA.
6. (a) What is repetitive DNA?
(b) Write notes on any two of the following: 3x2= o
(i) Structure and functions of Golgi body
(ii) Mitochondrial DNA
(iii) Plasmids
7. (a) Why did Mendel use pea as the experimental material in his xpcriments? 1
(b) Discuss Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Which law do you think is most important and why? 4+1+1=6
8. (a) What do you understand by spontaneous mutations and induced mutations? 2
(b) Give an account of DNA damage and repair. 5
9. (a) What is central dogma? 1
(b) Give a brief account of the structure of transfer RNA and its role in protein synthesis. 3+3=6
10. (a) Define the terms ‘induction’ and ‘repression’. 2
(b) Give a detailed account of mechanism of protein synthesis. 5
9. (a) State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws for the distribution of current in a network.
(b) Using Kirchhoff’s laws, find the currents
‘, 13 in the three resistances in the circuit shown below :
10. (a) State the conditions for a galvanometer to be ballistic.
(b) Give the theory of a ballistic galvanometer.