PAPER H 601 ASTROPHYSICS AND COSMOLOGY Total Marks : 35 Pass marks:12 Group A : Astrophysics Introduction to celestia...
Total Marks : 35
Pass marks:12
Group A : Astrophysics
Introduction to celestial objects, Co-ordinates and the concept of time.
Brightness of stars and its measurement by magnitude scale. Apparent magnitude, Relationship between brightness and apparent magnitude of stars. Absolute magnitude and the distance modulus. Visual magnitude, Bolometric magnitude and bolometric correction.
Different magnitude standard: UBV system and six colour photometry. Colour index of a star and its relationship with absolute magnitude. Luminosities of stars and its relationship with absolute bolometric magnitudes.
Spectral classification : The Hemy Draper (HD) catalogue and Herzsprung- Russel diagram (HRD).
Different types of stars : Binary stars and their classification and origin, Jean’s theory of star formation. Nebulae and their classification and distribution. Crab nebula stealer structure, Internal structure, stelar structure, Internal structure.
Energy production in stars: P.P and CNO chain. Evolutionary track of stars. Formation of white dwarf pulsars and black holes, Chandrashekhar’s limit.
Group B. Cosmology
Introduction to Cosmology : Friedman Models, Hubble’s law. A brief overview of thermal history of the universe. Big Bang theory and steady state theory of Universe formation (basic features, success, shortcomings).
Total Marks-35
Pass Marks :12
Group A Nuclear Properties and Radioactivity
General properties of nucleus: Constituents, mass, charge, size, spin, magnetic moment, parity, electrical quadrupole moment.
Radioactivity: Alpha decay, range of alpha particles and the stopping power of the absorber in connection with alpha particles.Alpha rays spectrum and it’s characteristics, fine structure. Gammow-Condon & Gurey’s Theory of alpha decay, quantum mechanical treatment of alpha decay. Experimental justification of above theory. Geiger Nuttal law and determination of range of alpha particles.
Beta Decay: experimental arrangement for study of beta decay and beta ray spectrum. Theoretical inadequacy to explain the beta ray spectrum. Pauli’s Neutrino hypothesis, Fermi theory of beta decay (qualitative), Inverse beta decay.
Neutrino & antineutrino: problems relating to the detection of neutrino, Rein and Cowans experiment for detection of antineutrino.
Gamma Rays: Origin of gamma rays, Gamma ray spectrum, Interaction of gamma radiation with matter with special reference to Compton scattering. Photoelectric absorption & pair production. Internal conversion. Mossbauer effect -- it’s explanation & application.
Group B Nuclear Reactions and Detectors
Nuclear Radiation detectors and Accelerators: Proportional counters, Ionization Chamber, G.M. Counter, Scintillation counter, Photomultiplier tube, Cherenkov radiation and it’s detection., Betatron, Synchrotron. Alternating gradient Synchroton.
Nuclear force: Qualitative Introduction of the nature of the nuclear force. Yukawa’s meson theory of nuclear force.
Models of nucleus and Fission : Liquid drop model, Shell model, Concept of Mirror Nuclei. Semi-empirical mass formula , it’s explanation and applications. Characteristics of nuclear fission, explanation of nuclear fission by Liquid drop model, calculation of energy released in nuclear fission reaction.
Nuclear Reaction: Conservation rules, Q values, Nuclear reaction, Kinematics and crosssections, different types of nuclear reactions. Chain Reaction and it’s types, Four factor formula in connection with controlled chain reaction. Nuclear Reactor -- It’s construction and principle of generation of energy, different types of nuclear reactors. Nuclear Fusion--Its explanation, Explanation of energy formation in stars and sun. Principles of hydrogen bomb.
Group C : Particle Physics
Classification of fundamental forces and elementary particles. Symmetrics in particle Physics : Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal, isospin, strangeness. Conservation laws. Motivation for quark model and quarkmodel. Elementary idea of colour, asymptotic freedom. Standard Model (qualitative).
Total Marks : 35
Pass Marks : 12
Group A :Digital Electronics :
Number System : Binary Number System, Hexadecimal Number System, Octal Number System-conversions, positive & negative number representations, Integer & floating point representations and their storage in computer memory; Binary Coded Decimal Number (BCD), Gray & ASCII Codes; Half Adder, Full Adder (block diagrams only).
Logic gates- OR, AND, NOT, XOR, NAND & NOR- their circuit realization and truth tables. Boolean Algebra- basic laws and theorems, De-Morgan’s theorems – proof, application in combinational logic circuit design. Half adder and full adder ; Sequential circuits: Flip-flops-RS, JK, JK master slave & D, edge triggering and clocked operation. Ripple counter, Analog to digital & digital to analog converters.
Memory Elements : Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), CDROM, EPROM, Magnetic disc & Magnetic tape, Input & Output devices - their functions.
Electronic Digital Computers – their development and types, basic architecture, introduction to micro-processors, techniques of micro-processor programming.
Group B : Solid State Devices
Junction diode tunnel diode, photo diode LED, solar cell.FET,biasing and amplification, JFET – Biasing, FET parameters, Shorted-gate drain current, pinch-off voltage and Gate-source cut off voltage, common-drain JFET amplifier ; MOSFET – construction & working principle , enhancement MOSFET, Transfer characteristics ; Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) – working, equivalent circuit of SCR, SCR switching ; UJT – operation, emitter characteristics and its use as relaxation oscillator.Multi-meter as ammeter, voltmeter and ohm meter, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope – cathode ray tube, waveform display and uses.
Group C : Introduction to Nanophysics
Introduction, Definition, Length scales , Importance of Nanoscale and Technology, History of Nanotechnology, Benefits and challenges in Molecular manufacturing: The Molecular assembler concept, Understanding advanced capabilities, Visions and Objective of Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology in different fields: Automobile,Electronics, Nanobiotechnology, Materials, Medicine,
Nanoparticles : Introduction, types of nanoparticles,Techniques of Synthesizing nanoparticles, Characterization of nanoparticles, Toxic effect of nanomaterials. Observing nanoparticles --Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Marks: 90
(At least 12 experiments from Group A and one project from Group B are to be performed through the year. During examination, one experiment from group A is to be performed and the poject work should be demonstrated in front of external examiner in six (6) hours)Marks: 90
Group A (Marks – 60)
1. To draw the dynamic characteristic curve of a triode for three different loads and to calculate the voltage gain for the load and to compare it with the theoretically calculated value.
2. To draw input, out put and mutual characteristics curve of a transistor in CE mode and hence to calculate its h-parameters.
3. To draw input, out put and mutual characteristic curves of a transistor in CB mode and hence to calculate its h-parameters.
4. To study the combination of logic gates and hence to identify a digital circuit (say Y = A·B + C, Y = Ä€·B + C etc.) by measuring intermediate and final outputs at various input combinations. 5. To measure the resistance, reactance and self inductance of a chocked coil in an L-R circuit using an A.C. Voltmeter.
7. To determine the ripple factor of a full wave rectifier with a shunt capacitor filter using a D.C. Voltmeter and to study the variation of ripple factor with load.
8. To study an OPAM by measuring its (i) input offset voltage & offset current, (ii) input bias current at inverting & non-inverting input and (iii) closed loop gain.
9. To studu a full waveve rectifier with a shunt capacitor as filter circuit and hence to determine the values of ripple factor using CRO at the differentncy loads.
10. To determine the e/m of an electron by a suitable method.
11. To verify De Morgan’s theorems in a bread board / logic board.
12. To verify Norton’s theorem for a Wheastone bridge using a stabilized zero impedance power supply.
13. To verify Thevenin’s theorem for a Wheatstone bridge using a stabilized zero impedance power supply.
14. To study the given Zener Diode as a voltage regulator and hence to determine the Percentage regulation and Line regulation.
15. To obtain hystresis curve (B-H curve) for a given ferromagnetic material on a CRO using a solenoid and then to determine hysteresis loss per cycle per unit volume of the material.
16. To study the frequency, rise time, fall time, Pulse height, Pulse width of a rectangular or triangular or sine wave by CRO
17.To study the frequency response curve of a series LCR circuit and determine the resonance frequency.
Group B (Project , Marks – 30)
1. Experimental Electronics Projects : (For examples: Regulated/Stabilized poer supply, Intercom circuit, Emergency light, Transistor amplifier audio, Transistor oscillator, Battery eliminater, Half adder Circuit)
2. Theoretical/Experimental projects of advance level in any branch of physics.
3. Computational Projects
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