physics syllabus for 5th semester honours course [Assam University]

PAPER  H 501  ATOMIC & MOLECULAR PHYSICS  Total Marks-35  Pass Marks : 12  Group A  Atomic Spectra Positive rays and thei...

PAPER  H 501 
Total Marks-35 
Pass Marks : 12 

Group A  Atomic Spectra

Positive rays and their analysis, Rutherford’s experiment on scattering of particles by gold foil. Derivation of Rutherford’s differential scattering cross section formula, Rutherford’s model of atom and its limitations.
Excitation & Ionisation potentials, Frank and Hertz experiment. Characteristics X-ray spectra, Moseley’s law, Doublet fine structure, H-like character of X-ray energy states.
Difference between continuous & characteristics X-ray spectra, Aston’s mass spectrograph, Effect of nuclear motion on atomic spectra. Reduced mass, modified Rydberg constant and wave number, Evidences in favour of Bohr’s theory, correspondence principle.
Sommerfield’s atom model and explanation  of fine structure of H line in Balmer series of hydrogen atom. Limitation of sommerfield atom model. Vector atom model and different quantum numbers associated with different quantisations in vector atom model. Magnetic moment of atom (one and two electrons system ) Quantisation of magnetic moment. Different Coupling schemes L-S and J-J couplings. Stern-Gerlech experiment and its conclusion.
Pauli’s exclusion principle and its explanation. Use of pauli’s exclusion principle. Justification of Periodic arrangement of atoms by Pauli’s exclusion conclusion.

Group B     Modern Physics

Zeeman Effect, Normal  and anomalous Zeeman effect. Experimental arrangement to demonstrate Normal Zeeman effect, Classical and quantum mechanical explanation of both normal and anomalous Zeeman Effect explanation, Paschen Back effect, Scattering of Xrays, Thomson scattering and derivation of scattering cross section.
Compton scattering, Its theory and expression of Compton shift. Experimental arrangement and results of Compton scattering, explanation of fine structure in X-ray line spectrum. Auger effect.

Group C  Molecular Spectra

Molecular spectra, Born-oppenheimer approximation, Rotational Energy levels and Vibrational energy levels in diatomic molecules. Vibration Rotational levels in a vibrating and rotating diatomic molecule.

PAPER  H 502 
Total Marks – 35 
Pass Marks : 12 

Group A  Crystallography

Crystal Geometry : Amorphous and crystalline materials, glassy forms periodic lattice, basis, translation vectors, primitive and non-primitive Crystal Axis, Unit Cell, Primitive and Conventional Bravais lattice, Miller indices, symmetry,  point groups and space groups. Body centered and face centered lattices, interplanner spacing. Indices of lattice planes.         

Crystallography : Bragg’s law, diffraction of X –ray, measurement of lattice parameter for cubic lattices. Theory of Laue Spots.

Bonding in Solids : Types of bonding in solids, covalent, Ionic bindings, energy of bonding, transition between covalent and ionic bonding, metallic bonding, Vander waal’s bonding, hydrogen bond.

Group B Lattice Vibration, Superconductivity and Liquid Crystals

Lattice Vibrations : Linear monatomic chains, Acoustical and optical phonons, Qualitative description  of the phonon spectrum, Brillouin Zones, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat of solid T3 Law.
Qualitative description of free electron theory and its inadequacies with reference to Hall effect and specific heat of electrons in metals.
Elementary band theory, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penney model, effectively mass of election, concept of hole, band gaps, conductors, semi conductors and insulators, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors p-and n –type semiconductors.

Superconductivity: Experimental observations, Meissner effect, Type I and Type II superconductors, London’s equation and penetration depth. Qualitative idea of BCS theory.

Liquid Crystals : Definition, Classification, Uses 

PAPER H 503 
Total Marks- 35 
Pass Marks :12 

Group A  Concepts of Matter Waves

Matter wave: Failure of classical mechanics and origin of quantum mechanics with reference to black body radiation, Photoelectric effect as evidence of corpuscular theory of light, DevissonGarmer's experiment and G P Thompson's experiment as evidence of the wave property of particles; De Broglie concept of matter wave and its properties, Concept of wave packet and its group and phase velocity, Feynman double slit thought experiment to illustrate wave-particle duality, Complementary principle.

Uncertainity principle: Uncertainity principle - Its deduction and application to simple problems, viz, Non-existence of electron within nucleus, Ground state energy of Hydrogen atom, Radius of Bohr orbit. 

GroupB Schroedinger Picture 

Schrodinger equation: Schrodinger equation in time-dependent and time-independent form, Physical interpretation of wave function, Equation of continuity; Basic postulates of quantum mechanics, Scrodinger equation as eigen value equation, eigen value, eigen function,  Dynamical variable as hermitian operator, States and operators, Commutation relation, Average and expectation value of dynamical variables, Ehrenfest theorem; Angular momentum operators L2 and Lz and their eigen values and eigen functions, Spatial quantization. 

a) Simple applications of Schrodinger equation, viz. Free particle in one dimensional infinite potential well and calculation of its eigen values and normalized eigen functions, Particle in three-dimensional box - concept of degeneracy, Calculation for transmission and reflection coefficient for particle encountering step potential, particle inside finite rectangular potential barrier - Phenomenon of quantum tunneling;
b) Linear harmonic oscillator: Energy eigen value and eigen function of linear harmonic oscillator, ground state wave function; 
c) Hydrogen atom: Hamiltonian describing Hydrogen atom, Separation of radial and angular momentum part of Hamiltonian operator, Solution of the angular momentum part introducing spherical  harmonics, Solution of the radial part of the equation (Laguerre polynomial solutions to be assumed) to find energy eigen value and eigen function.

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SITwithSIR: physics syllabus for 5th semester honours course [Assam University]
physics syllabus for 5th semester honours course [Assam University]
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